In this month’s Market Commentary, Raymond James UK European Strategist, Jeremy Batstone-Carr, considers the impact of policy changes in China, plus a look at the UK equity market, the US dollar, and a spotlight on the world’s central bankers.
We will listen. Our approach revolves around taking the time to understand your needs, for today and tomorrow, for you and your loved ones
We will ask. The more we know about you, the better we can help.
We will understand. Knowing how much risk is appropriate for you is essential. Our three dimensional risk profiling ensures we match your needs accurately.
We will structure an appropriate asset allocation that is tailor made to meet your individual needs, circumstances and risk profile.
We will not delegate our duty of care. We will personally select each component of your bespoke portfolio, drawing on the award winning and comprehensive research resources of Raymond James and top tier institutional analysis.
We will maintain our commitment, monitoring your portfolio closely to ensure consistent and reliable performance. We will also keep in regular contact with you to ensure that your portfolio remains relevant to your needs.
Here no advice is given, you gain access to our highly qualified dealing team to execute trades on your behalf.
As a result, this is generally only available to experienced investors or may be used where a client has a cherished holding.
We recognise that many people do not have the time or desire to manage their own investments, so in most cases clients select our discretionary investment management service.
A discretionary investment management service allows you to delegate the day to day management of your portfolio to an experienced professional, allowing us to make changes within your portfolio without having to contact you first, in line with your agreed investment strategy.
When using this service, we will provide ongoing guidance and advice, but the final investment decision is yours. As a result, this is generally only available to experienced investors.
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